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About Me

We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.
-Doctor Who

I'm blessed to be a mother to 3 lovely children.  A adventurous Kindergartener, a determined 3 year old and an energetic 1 year old.  We enjoy being involved in our church and are unabashed geeks.  My husband introduced me to Firefly when we were dating and Doctor Who after we were married.  Now he encourages me to pursue my new geekery, a passion for childbirth education.


I'm continually amazed how life changing becoming a mother was for me.  Due to the nature of my husband's job we moved at the very end of my first pregnancy.  As this made a birth class very difficult for us.  I read every book I could get my hands on, poured over research articles and found reputable blogs all of shich was extremely time intensive and even emotionally taxing at times, I was fortunate to find the two blogs run by the Birth Boot Camp founders. I had thought that once my oldest daughter was born I would stop researching pregnancy and birth, but it didn't happen that way.  Every month or so, I would order a new book, and I continually poured over those blogs :)  Finally I was able to go through training and become a Birth Boot Camp Instructor.  I'm so excited to be teaching this worderful program.

Each of my children's births was unique.  My oldest was a typical hospital birth.  She was born naturally.  Even with all my researching there was so much I wasn't prepared for.  Learning to breastfeed was a challenge that ultimately gave us a wonderful bond.


Our second Daughter was born seven weeks early by C-section.  I suddenly developed Pre-eclampsia, and baby girl was measuring very small, so we decided to go ahead with surgery.  It turned out that she has a genetic syndrome that causes very slow growth.  She stayed in the NICU for 8 weeks.  During that time, I exclusively pumped for her, because she was on a feeding tube and could not ingest enough food on her own. 


Two years later, I had a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) with our son.  We ended up choosing to hire a doula for his birth. She made such a difference in the atmosphere of the room. Nurses were amazed that we were all laughing between contractions She and my husband worked together to support me.  It was wonderful to be surrounded by their affirmations.  My son was born to smiles and laughter, and he is still my "boobie baby", almost 2 years later.

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